Technology has advanced rapidly in recent years. This is in part due to new technology that roofers have access to. One of the most exciting advances in technology is the introduction of artificial intelligence and utilizing drones to gather data. The current software we use is from Loveland Innovations, referred to as IMGING.
The Inspection
An FAA licensed drone pilot flies a drone over your entire home in order to capture data to create a 3D model of your home and capture all necessary measurements. The data collected by the drone is then sent to the artificial intelligence software which is capable of quickly detecting any damage to the roof.
The Report
One of our storm damage experts then reviews the finding from the A.I. software and compiles a report that includes up close images and overall photographs for you to easily see what's important.
Some insurance companies are now utilizing the same technology so often we can send them the data package from the drone for their review, which allows insurance to make determination on approval without even doing a site visit. Other insurance companies appreciate the report and include it in the file for approvals.
Free Roof Inspection
When choosing a company to inspect your roof for storm damage, you should strongly consider the benefits of AI Imaging in the inspection process. Here at Northpoint Roofing Systems, we use the most respected AI technology in the industry. Our drone inspections are always free and we would love to help you assess the health of your roof in the near future.