Modern homeowners recognize the significance of a well-structured and installed roof for protection, comfort, and value. Roofs are essential physical barriers standing between the interior spaces of one's home and the outside world. A quality roof provides necessary protection against rain, hail, snow, or falling debris and tree branches—not to mention moisture issues. A roof that's in good condition helps prevent leakage and the potential development of mold and mildew. Even a small-scale leak in the roof line can cause large-scale problems in the home.
Considering an upcoming roofing project to provide better protection, increase home value, or improve energy efficiency? Having a professional roofing contractor inspect and identify damaged components that need repair or replacement is a top priority. A visiting contractor can work with you on a project to enhance your roofing system for safety, appearance, and home improvement purposes.
We've compiled a general checklist outlining all the must-do preparation tasks, so you can be 100 percent ready before company arrives—and ensure the service call unfolds as smoothly as possible. Here's how to prepare your home for a roofing contractor visit.
Preparing the Exterior of Your Home
When you can't fix or replace your worn-out roof with ease, calling in the experts to consult, inspect, and schedule service is a wise idea. Help them out by preparing the exterior of your property for their visit. Additionally, prepare your home like a pro to ensure every safety measure is in order before the professional roofers begin work.
For the most efficient services, provide your contractor with cleared spaces, accessible power outlets or sources, and easy roof entry. This way, roofers can set up their tools, ladders, materials, and safety gear quickly to get to work right away.
Driveway: Move Personal Vehicles
Allow your roofing contractor a prime parking space to access any of their tools, materials, or trucks throughout the visit. If typically left in the driveway, personal vehicles should be moved to either a closed garage or onto the street at a safe distance. This easy prep step speeds up the process, lessens the potential of hassles and headaches, and protects your vehicles from damage while the roofers complete their work in the area.
Outdoor Décor and Furniture: Relocate and Store
Similarly, store patio furniture, grills, bicycles, toys, inflatable pools, lawn ornaments or decorations, equipment, potted plants, or other objects typically kept outside away from the house. Protect these items during roof service by relocating your belongings to the garage or further out in the backyard.
Don't forget about satellite dishes or antennas installed on the roof. Contact your cable provider to make arrangements—they can carefully remove a unit before any roofing in the work zone begins. The provider can also reinstall the device after project completion.
Landscaping: Prune Trees and Mow the Lawn
Regardless of how careful professional roofers are for safety and cleanliness purposes, materials will inevitably fall around the home. For this reason, cover any outdoor plants or shrubs surrounding the house to safeguard against flying debris. Trim overhanging branches to prevent obstacles for roofers and cut the grass short beforehand to make clean-up a breeze after the work is complete. Speak with your contractor to know whether this preparation step applies to your roofing situation.
Preparing the Interior of Your Home
Keep in mind that any vibrations from machinery or roofers hammering on top of the roof will travel through the walls of the home. This occurrence is common when replacing or repairing the existing decking; therefore, you'll need to prepare the interior of your home properly to safeguard your belongings.
Secure the Level Below the Roof
Before the scheduled visit, complete a walk-through of the rooms on the top level located directly below the roof. Look around and secure any valuables or knick-knacks that could be affected by continuous vibrations. For example, remove items on the wall, such as paintings or pictures, as a precaution. Consider securing light fixtures or other decorative objects hanging from the ceiling.
Cover Belongings Underneath the Work Area
Depending on the roofing service or contract job, workers will be walking, pounding, or nailing on different parts of the roof throughout the day. Cover any furniture and stored belongings situated below the work area with tarps or sheets. Whether this is in attic spaces or other top floor rooms, thinking ahead to cover these personal objects will prevent dust or debris from falling directly onto them during construction.
Other Priority Considerations
When wondering about the best steps to take to prepare your home for a roofing contractor visit, consider other main priorities, such as any safety concerns or temporary inconveniences that may arise during the process. Responsible homeowners can positively influence the work of roofers.
Think About Family, Pets, and Neighbors
Properly installing roofing materials takes experience and hard work. The work can also be noisy, so it's a good idea to let your neighbors know about any planned visits ahead of time. Consider how to best take care of your family, kids, or pets during the anticipated timeframe of the project, so everyone remains as comfortable and safe as possible.
Maintain Open Communication With Your Contractors
Professional roofing services are worth the time and investment, yet the process of finally attaining the roof you've been waiting for can be a challenge. You may not be able to prepare for unexpected obstacles or unforeseen setbacks, but you can stay on top of the process and trust your chosen roofing company's knowledge of their job. Be sure to communicate with the crew and ask questions to understand the factors affecting your property during the process.
Hire an Experienced Roofing Contractor
Repairing or replacing your home's roof is a beneficial long-term investment for your property. Modern roofing designs add curb appeal and are sure to last for as long as you own your home. In the context of quality roofing, nothing matters more than hiring an experienced local contractor you can trust to do the job well the first time. The right contracting company ensures you get the best services now so you can save thousands later. Working with a roofing company that walks you through the inspection, preparation, and service processes makes the undertaking easier.
Look no further than Northpoint Roofing for industry-leading roofing contractors in the metro Atlanta region. Dedicated to positive, long-lasting results, we strive to ensure every customer makes well-informed investment decisions with our innovative drone inspections and AI technology. We're here to help you navigate the hassle-free process each step of the way—contact our team with any roofing questions or concerns today.